What are Campfire Chats?

Campfire Chats are open-house style gatherings hosted in driveways across our district. These events feature a campfire, hot dogs, and relaxed conversations about county business and community issues. Come share your thoughts and help shape our future!

Why a Campfire chat?

There are a few main reasons for the campfire chat format.

1. I have always believed that our representatives in government should SEEK OUT the everyday citizen’s thoughts and ideas. This is one way I would like to see that done. Hopefully it catches on!

2. Through talking with my neighbors, I have found that most people do not know what has been happening at the county since January 2023. I am in a position to EDUCATE my fellow constituents and give them examples of how we can do better.

3. Having these conversations with my neighbors all over the district will help shape my plan to repair the county. I see this as an opportunity to REPRESENT our district more accurately than ever. By being a part of the conversation throughout the campaign, you will be a part of the solution.

4. I don’t think that we should be spending so much on political campaigns. I truly believe that representation at a local level should be grass roots style. This format is cost effective. Hot dogs and firewood will not break the bank. If hosts choose to make side dishes or desserts, that is up to them. I want to show that even on the campaign trail, I will be FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE.

Campfire Chat Rules

I want to hear from everyone so I need all political views to be welcome. That being said, since the political climate is so divisive these days, I do feel like it is probably a good idea to set some ground rules.

  1. Keep Discussions Focused: Limit discussion topics to areas under the board's jurisdiction and past/current board actions.

  2. Maintain a Positive Atmosphere: If discussions become too heated or uncomfortable for any attendee, I reserve the right to schedule a separate time to continue the conversation.

  3. Respect Host Property Rules: Each host may have specific rules for their property. These will be posted online and at the event location.

  4. Respectful Interaction: Treat everyone with respect. Diverse opinions are welcome and encouraged. Be mindful of how you present yourself and your ideas.

  5. No Personal Attacks: Avoid personal attacks, name-calling, or inflammatory language. Focus on the issues, not individuals.

  6. Active Listening: Listen actively to others without interrupting. Allow everyone the chance to speak and be heard.

  7. Time Management: Be concise in your contributions to allow time for everyone to participate. If the discussion is lengthy, we may ask you to summarize your points.

  8. Constructive Feedback: Offer constructive criticism and avoid negative or unhelpful comments. Aim to build a positive and solution-oriented dialogue.

  9. Follow Up: If a topic requires further discussion, we can arrange follow-up meetings or communicate via email to address any unresolved issues.

By establishing and adhering to these ground rules, we can create a respectful and inclusive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.

Host a Campfire Chat in your neighborhood!

Want to bring a Campfire Chat to your neighborhood? Sign up to host an event in your driveway! Hosting is a great way to engage with your community and have your voice heard. Plus, we'll bring all the supplies!


Taking a break while families get everyone ready for school! We will resume after the school year starts!

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